Daily sustainable actions

mySUN Actions

  • Lower your home's thermostat in winter
  • Raise your home's thermostat in summer
  • Support 'green' events
  • Buy organic
  • Consider an electric car for your next purchase
  • Convert your furnace to electric
  • Sort and recycle your garbage
  • Reduce beef consumption
  • Opt for green power
  • Bike to work
  • Carpool to work
  • Use public transportation
  • Take the stairs, not elevators
  • Clean your air conditioning unit
  • Install solar panels at home
  • Bring your own cup to the coffee shop
  • Conduct an energy audit at home
  • Replace the furnace filter regularly
  • Clean your home ducts
  • Turn off your computer(s) when not in use
  • Turn off lights when leaving home
  • Stay fit, exercise

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